TecPlata S.A.
A new and better alternative to Port of Buenos Aires as Argentina’s gateway, TecPlata is the country's first port of call due to its easy access to major sea lanes. It is also the first and only greenfield container terminal in Argentina with modern and innovative facilities to serve both carriers and cargo owners.
- Terminal design prepared for the global increase in vessel size which affects the ECSA trade and ready to receive and operate Neo-Panamax vessels
- Strategically located much closer to the ocean than Buenos Aires with major direct savings in total cost per call and reduced navigational time
- Competitive trucking rates despite additional distance to TecPlata from the north compared to Buenos Aires
- Located in the City of La Plata, approximately 60 km south of Buenos Aires, avoiding the congested urban zones
The Port of La Plata is located on the south bank of the Rio de la Plata, close to the city of La Plata, the capital of Buenos Aires province. The province has a high concentration of population and industrial activities.
Lola Mora 421, 4°, Of. 404, C1107
Buenos Aires, Argentina