The preferred market for short sea and feeder services, Baltic Container Terminal at the Port of Gdynia is strategically located within pan-European transport corridors and railway routes. It offers excellent truck and on-dock rail connectivity to Europe's hinterlands.
With a current annual handling capacity of 1 million TEUs and wide hinterland connectivity, BCT serves the Baltic region, and is a vital link in the Polish logistics gateway for steel import/ export and project cargo.
- Strategically located within the Baltic-Adriatic Corridor which is one of the most important trans-European road and railway axes recognized by the European Union
- Only terminal in Gdynia that can accommodate full train length connecting to South Poland and Central European countries within VI Pan-European Transport Corridor
- Top class performance in BCT's 24/7 ice-free port operations
- Customer-friendly regulations and excellent collaboration with state-controlled entities
- Investment programs including new handling equipment on both sea and landside, quay rehabilitation, a rebuilt intermodal terminal with new rail siding, storage areas and state-of-the-art IT systems