VICT takes delivery of six new Kalmar Auto Container Carriers

Arrival of VICT’s new Kalmar ACCs at the Port of Melbourne
Victoria International Container Terminal recently took delivery of six new automated container carriers (ACC) from Kalmar.
The ACCs were unloaded from the Eemslift Dafne at the Port of Melbourne, expanding VICT’s fleet to a total of 17 units. The fleet expansion further enhances container movement between automated ship-to-shore- cranes on the terminal’s quay side and auto stacking cranes on the land side.
Jon Wheeler, VICT chief operations officer, noted: “The delivery of six additional automated container carriers is very much welcomed by VICT. The ACCs will enable VICT to meet the growing volumes being driven across the Port of Melbourne, whilst also providing necessary equipment availability time to support engineering maintenance activities.”
“The order of the ACCs also demonstrates the continued collaboration between VICT and Kalmar, verifying and helping advance the Kalmar One Automated System,” he added.
The new ACCs form part of VICT’s AUD139 million investment into Webb Dock and the Victorian economy over the next two years, which complement the Port of Melbourne’s investment to remove the “knuckle” and add another 71 meters of quay line to berth 4 of Webb Dock East.