A Message from the Chairman
The year has been wrought with frustration, difficulty, and even sadness. But there have been triumphs, too, in this war against the pandemic.
Our triumph is that we didn’t let the pandemic stop us from doing what we do. What sets us apart is that we fought on. I asked you earlier this year to dig deep, and we all dug deep into the trenches. We moved, we worked, we lived and did not throw in the towel. We followed protocols, we kept safe, and we looked out for one another. As I said before, it’s war against the pandemic. And fight we did with true grit, courage and cunning.
You have always been the cornerstone of ICTSI’s success and survival for over 30 years. More importantly, your sacrifices have allowed us to serve our stakeholders and fulfill our mandate to keep supply chains moving where we are despite disruptions. You are among the many heroes of this crisis.
And now a vaccine is on the horizon. Our perseverance is paying off, and we are almost through the hill.
Yes, this Yuletide Season will be different. It will be quieter and less ostentatious. But the Season’s real essence–family and friends, well-being, good cheer, and the knowledge of a job well-done–are there for us to enjoy.
Thank you for braving through this year, and for your sacrifices and dedication. Let us celebrate your courage, fortitude and commitment to what we do.
I wish you and your families a well-deserved and meaningful break this Holiday Season, as well as good health and prosperity for the coming New Year.
Enrique K. Razon Jr.
ICTSI Chairman and President