Contecon Manzanillo hold SAP EAMS training
Several key personnel at Contecon Manzanillo have recently undergone required training as part of the company’s implementation of the SAP Enterprise Asset Management Systems project.
Held from 4 to 23 June, the first stage of the training was conducted physically and online with the assistance of the Maintenance, Finance, and IT departments. The training covered five modules, namely SAP Basic Navigation, MM Stock and Purchases, PM Maintenance, CO Finance, and BW Reports according to the implementations of each department.
The initial training stage highlighted the importance of getting onboard and taking advantage of improvements resulting from more agile processes that allow the company to provide clients with improved services.
Contecon Manzanillo, as part of its commitment to provide clients with the best possible service, continues to invest in manpower, equipment, infrastructure, and technology for more efficient and sustainable operation.

Participants of the SAP EAMS training