TecPlata achieves ISO 9001:2015 QMS certification

TecPlata has successfully certified its quality management system (QMS) under the ISO 9001:2015 standard following the process audit carried out by Bureau Veritas.
The certification represents a very important achievement for the company, as well as a greater commitment to remain on the path of continuous improvement to increase the satisfaction of customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. The certification covers specific terminal functions including loading, unloading and storage of containers; reception and dispatch of containers; and the commercialization of these services.
“The ISO 9001:2015 certification is another example of our commitment to the continuous improvement of our services–always focused on providing the best experience for our customers and suppliers,” said Bruno Porchietto, TecPlata chief executive officer.
The milestone also represents the starting point of a process of permanent improvement that involves hard work and the constant focus on quality. The implementation of a management system that optimizes resources and maximizes operational results grants the entire organization strategic visibility.