Rio Brasil Terminal receives carbon-neutral certification


Rio Brasil Terminal (RBT) has become the first port terminal in Brazil to receive carbon-neutral certification after completing significant steps toward reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and addressing associated environmental and health challenges.
RBT, in line with UN Climate Agenda and Brazil’s commitment to halve CO2 emissions by 2030, has chosen reforestation to offset its emissions. RBT has already reduced its carbon footprint using green equipment prior to its reforestation initiatives.
The carbon neutral seal was issued by the Brazilian Nature Defense Institute during the 2023 World Environment Day last 5 June.
Reforestation offers a promising approach to carbon neutrality as trees capture carbon dioxide through photosynthesis. By planting 5,000 native seedlings across a 4,000-hectare area, RBT contributes to climate change mitigation and helps the restoration and conservation of degraded land areas. Reforestation also improves soil quality, enhances water retention, and protects biodiversity in addition to other positive impacts on the surrounding community. 
RBT’s commitment to carbon neutrality extends beyond its operations. By involving customers and partners in its initiatives, the Company inspires collaboration across the industry and ensures that all stakeholders play a role in achieving a sustainable future.