OPC, ESTIR promote RUTA ROSA program

Operadora Portuaria Centroamericana (OPC) and ESTIR signed an agreement on 25 January promoting the Ruta Rosa Program.
The Ruta Rosa program was launched on Honduran Women’s Day to raise awareness on the important role of women in the country’s logistics, maritime and port sector. The initiative was created with the aim of developing and strengthening the professional and personal skills of female employees.
The agreement signing took place at the official program launch. Key representatives from OPC, ESTIR, the municipality of Puerto Cortés, U.S. Agency for International Development, media and more than 200 female employees of both companies attended the launch. Today, many of these employees hold operational positions that were previously exclusive to men, like the operation of various port equipment including super post-Panamax ship-to-shore cranes.
Evelyn Leiva, OPC chief CSR & sustainability officer, moderated the Ruta Rosa, Mujeres de Valor event. Noren Caballero, Grupo AGP de ESTIR chief financial officer, and Angelica Sosa, OPC human resources manager, delivered the opening remarks. This was followed by the signing of the agreement by Albert Garcia from ESTIR and Juan Corujo, OPC chief executive officer.
Elvia Bustavino, Panama Maritime Authority vice minister of maritime affairs and deputy administrator, delivered the keynote address titled Recognizing the Work of Port Women. She also represents the MAMLa Network.
Several events are scheduled between February and November to empower and educate women across the logistics sector.