OPC embraces a new culture

After 10 years of operation, Operadora Portuaria Centroamericana (OPC) is transitioning to a new culture that focuses on customers across three facets: internal customers, which are the employees; external customers, which are the suppliers; and visitors.
In line with this transition, OPC launced a program called “Estamos para servirle” (We are at your service) that embodies the company’s commitment to proactively serve these three groups with speed and efficiency by deeply understanding the company’s services. The goal is to provide valuable solutions and make every interaction with OPC uniquely pleasant and unparalleled.
Customer experience is critical to fostering loyalty and retention, generating recommendations and referrals, and increasing satisfaction and value. Values-based customer experience is about building a culture that reflects OPC’s core principles and values. It goes beyond simply providing a service, as it seeks to establish a deeper and more meaningful connection with customers by demonstrating a genuine commitment to ethical and social issues.
Aligning with the new company culture, the Human Resources Department is now called People. Beyond the mere name change, the objective is to improve the employee experience in every interaction within the company starting from the recruitment process up to exit. It also embodies one of OPC’s strategic objectives, which is to attract and develop talent through a positive organizational culture, growth opportunities and performance recognition to strengthen business competitiveness.