OMT conducts strategy review, customer dialogue

OMT management team with MSC and PIL representatives during the customer dialogue session


Onne Multipurpose Terminal’s management team completed a two-day company retreat to discuss the company’s objectives, strategies and actions needed over the next 12 months to realize these objectives.

Scheduled from 25 to 26 May and held at the Ibom Icon Hotel & Golf Resort, the retreat provided management with an opportunity to disengage from the daily hustle and bustle of terminal operations to discuss OMT’s longer-term plans.

Meetings kicked off with a review of each manager’s SWOT analysis for OMT, leading to a lively debate about the company, its competitors and the broader environment where OMT operates. 

Subsequently, the discussion shifted to each manager’s articulation of OMT’s core objectives. This segment underscored the importance of distinguishing between objectives, strategy and tactics.

Following the discussions, the management team agreed that OMT shall be guided by the following objectives: 

  1. Achieving financial sustainability and success
  2. Ensuring a good and safe workplace
  3. Being a responsible member of the community

To attain these objectives, the team identified the following strategic pillars as focal points for the tactical and action plans:

  1. Continuous improvement of operations
  2. Customer focus and care
  3. Being lean and green
  4. Employee engagement

Finally, the management team welcomed colleagues from Mediterranean Shipping Company and Pacific International Lines for a discussion on how the most important customers see OMT and what the company can do to further improve. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, noting that customers are generally very happy with OMT’s services and that there is room for improvement in terms of timely and accurate communications.