ICTSI Foundation, SBITC support SBMA-led medical mission

Turnover of medical supplies. (From left) Olga Lledo, SBITC HR superintendent; Henry Dungca, SBITC terminal manager; Jonathan Tan, SBMA chairman and administrator; Mechelle Madriaga, SBITC HSE manager; and Michael Llorente, ICTSI Foundation program head.
The ICTSI Foundation and Subic Bay International Terminals (SBITC) donated assorted medicines and other supplies in support of the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority’s (SBMA) recent medical mission.
Held in Sitio Pastoal in Hermosa, Bataan last 11 August, the medical mission provided consultations to more than 500 residents. A total of 70 adolescent boys underwent circumcision while 28 residents received oral prophylaxis. Additionally, nearly 100 residents received reading glasses.

Distribution of donated medical supplies to residents of Sitio Pastolan