ICTSI Breakbulk Focus Group: Promoting learning, collaboration across ICTSI
Operations at Kribi Multipurpose Terminal in Cameroon.
The ICTSI Breakbulk Focus Group recently concluded its second session that focused on terminal operations, one of the most important topics in the ongoing series where participating terminals share best practices, explore new ideas and discover new learning opportunities.
The group was further divided into three clusters based on cargo types: steel, dry bulk nongrains, and project cargo. In the latest session, designated terminals presented their operational processes, equipment and manpower complement, and productivity/KPIs, among other topics.
During the sessions, the group launched the Breakbulk Excellence Guidelines, a compilation of documents aimed at recording the best practices observed across ICTSI terminals. Terminal pairings were also established to jointly address specific topics outlined in the guidelines. This initiative hopes to enhance collaboration and knowledge sharing beyond the online sessions. The Breakbulk Excellence Guidelines, coupled with the terminal pairing initiative, will help facilitate a meticulous benefit-risk assessment, comprehensive cost review, and identify relevant training for the assigned topics.
The first set of topics assigned will allow participating terminals to compare equipment used for cargo discharge, explore various storage points, and engage in discussions about organizational tools. Eventually, the Breakbulk Excellence Guidelines will be shared by the group through a platform accessible to all ICTSI terminals.
In his closing remarks, Phillip Marsham, ICTSI Global Director for Manila International Container and Manila Harbor Center, thanked participants for their support and shared vision to make general cargo operations an even more important component of ICTSI’s global operations.
“All these sessions would help us learn from each other and progress more quicky toward this goal,” said Mr. Marsham.