BCT continues to support chess prodigy

Liwia Jarocka


For the second consecutive year, Baltic Container Terminal (BCT) is supporting Liwia Jarocka, a distinguished young chess player and multiple Police and World Championship medalist.
Liwia continues to display remarkable skill and dedication to the sport, embodying the values of determination and precision which BCT hold dear. Her accomplishments on both the national and international stages highlight her talent and unwavering commitment to excellence.
BCT’s support for Liwia goes beyond mere sponsorship; it is an investment for her future. By nurturing young talents like her, the company hopes to inspire other youths to pursue their dreams. The partnership also underscores BCT’s belief in the importance of collaboration and mutual support in achieving true success.
As Liwia continues her chess career, BCT stands firmly behind her, firmly rooting for her success. The company remains committed to making a positive impact on the community by promoting and supporting young talents who can potentially shape the future.